Bits of Merlin
and a fascinating mechanical bomb aiming computer
Memorial at Woodhall Spa
Day two and off to RAF Conningsby - home to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight - and it's the day for a test flight for the Lancaster just repaired after an engine fire. Not only that but someone arranged for a display from the Typhoon as well
and why are all the pubs in Lincolnshire shut on a Monday
and so to RAF Scampton and the Dambuster's Museum - Guy Gibson's Office
on the back from Scampton a drop in to Petworth Hall - commandeered and used as the officer's mess for 617 squadron
the Kinema in the Woods - showing films daily since 1922 - ceiling too low so used back projection - saw the martian - good popcorn
Woodhall Spa station - still LNER
day three and it's East Kirkby Airfield - home to Lincoln Aviation Heritage Centre
the smiling organiser
interesting exhibits in the hanger - note computor